What is your track record and where can I see it?

Our subscription service is brand new, and as such the service itself does not have a track record. However, our team has an excellent track record of investing. Our results for 2012 are available at www.redacre.com and 2013 results will be available as soon as year is finished and the results have been analyzed.  In addition, you can check out our prior published work both on www.redacre.com as well as on SeekingAlpha.com. We pride ourselves on our ability to pick winning trades.  While not every trade works out successfully, our record speaks for itself.

Here are some highlights from 2013:

Correctly called a long trade for ISIS Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ISIS) when the stock was $14.60.  The stock reached a peak of $42.68, a 291% gain

Told investors to buy Mannkind Corporation (NASDAQ:MNKD) when it was trading below $2 per share (in late 2012) and then called the exact top in Early August netting a 428% gain

Alerted investors to buy Immunocellular Therapeutics (NYSE:IMUC) below $2.50 in July. Then alerted investors to sell at $4 because our due diligence told us that the stock would tumble. Resulting in a 60% gain.

Advised investors that Durect Corporation would be a good long bet when the stock was at lows of $1.08. The stock finished the year around $1.77 a 64% gain.

There are too many examples to count, but that gives you a flavor for the deep due diligence we do to help subscribers Get Ahead of the Curve.

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